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Maximiliana Lopez
Regarding your request for additional information on MAXIMILIANA LOPEZ wife of Tircio Ortega and daughter of Juan Lopez Y Salas and of Maria Ulivarri.Following are 2 marriages on JUAN LOPEZ (y Salas) same source as the one listed prior on Maximiliana Lopez' Marriage.
16 Jan 1881 JUAN LOPEZ,Viudo de Maria Uilbarri,residence not given,hijo de JUAN CRISTOVAL LOPEZ,difunto y de JULIANA SALAS,con BEATRIZ GOMEZ.soltera,vecina de San Jose,hija de Francisco Gomez y de Rafaela Torres.Pads:Juan Pacheco y Sabrina Gallegos.Tests:Juan Ortiz y Jose Ulivarri.By:Off.Philiberto Martin.Microfilm Reel # 104A AASF,Page 52.Our Lady Of Sorrows De La Jolla.
11 Nov 1896 JUAN LOPEZ Y SALAS,Viudo de Beatriz Gomez,vecino de San Juan,hijo de unidentified parents,con MARIA SALAS Y BACA,Viuda de Andres Fajardo,vecina de Sabinal,hija de unidentified parents.Pads:Dolores Bennavidez y Maria Salas. Tests:Amado Fajardo y Dolores Bennavidez.By:Off.Philiberto Martin.Microfilm Reel # 104A AASF,Page 179.Our Lady Of Sorrows De La Jolla.


The Taos County Website last updated May 14 2023
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